Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Elections and Spiritual Integrity

While I admit that the political process of campaigns is a difficult challenge, and that it is necessary to point out the opponent's failures, or at least prove how your policies are better than theirs, what I have seen in the last couple of weeks has degraded to a tirade of lies. And while I also admit that I am a firm Obama fan, and so may be a little biased, I see McCain and Palin as being far more guilty of the blatant lies than I have seen from Barack Obama in this whole campaign. In fact, I would say that Obama has done an excellent job with taking the high road. He hasn't questioned his opponent's patriotism. He has said they have "fundamental differences."

But for all candidates, and especially for those who claim to be Christians, I need to pose the question of where faith comes in to the whole process? What impact does the personal faith of these candidates have on the talking points that they put across? I would hope that it would be moving each of them towards not only refraining from the lies, but making sure that whatever words come out of their mouths, whether they originate with the candidates themselves or are handed to them by a speech writer, would be checked out to make sure they are factual. Each of us are responsible for the words we speak. We are accountable, not only to the public of the United States, but most of all to God.

What I have seen, especially in the last couple of days, with Sarah Palin trying to tie Obama to Ayers, when he was 8 years old at the time of his actions, is unbelievable. To insight fear in the crowds, based on lies and propoganda, to the point of someone in the crowd yelling, "Terrorist" and "Kill him." with no response or attempts to stop it is inexcusable. It is not one with any sense of integrity as a proposed leader of this country, but especially as one who has been redeemed and set apart as one who is to be giving glory to God by our words and our actions. And has Sarah Palin ever heard of Video tape? Her accusations are now in print, and can be proven, and then what kind of a testimony to Jesus Christ is she? I don't think she will be hearing the words, "Well done, my good and faithful servant." It is more like "Jesus Wept."


At October 9, 2008 at 6:13 PM , Blogger Rick said...

You are so incredibly, dare I say embarrassingly ignorant on the Obama-Ayers connection...

You should do a little more reading Susan on this and from sources other than those spoon fed you by a mainstream media so in the tank for Obama.

You are sounding stupid.

You have the ability to fix that.

Educate yourself for Christ's sake on this so you understand what the issues are and so you'll quit embarrassing yourself.

At October 9, 2008 at 9:57 PM , Blogger SusanWM said...

I wondered how long it would take you to come by here. I am not embarrassed at all. I do plenty of reading, plenty of listening.

You are so pleasant. So much like Mc Cain. "That Guy." Desperate people resort to desperate measures.

So whenever Mc Cain wants to come clean on his relationship with the Keating 5, when he was already a senator, not 8 years old. When we wants to come clean on his policies on deregulation that has been so good for our country. It's left us in such a wonderful economic state now hasn't it?
Again, desperate people resort to desperate measures. When you cannot talk about the issues with any success, you have to resort to slanderous attacks.

So tell me Rick, what do you think about Christians lying, speaking slanderous attacks against people who have a different point of view? Do you think Jesus likes that? That is what my blog entry is about. I noticed you didn't mention anything about that topic. So you must think that blatantly lying is ok as long as it helps you win an election.

The only problem is I think Jesus would have a huge disagreement with that approach.

At October 10, 2008 at 7:29 AM , Blogger Rick said...

What do you know about this current financial crisis and it's roots Susan... seriously... what do you know? I'm going to suggest that what you know is superficial... and that you'll buttress that superficial knowledge by reaching for an Obama script to tell us more.

And please Susan... don't get on your moral high horse about candidates who lie... the candidate who's butt you're smooching is the biggest liar there is... and you're gonna play holier than thou with this topic?

You truly are a piece of work...

I hold out hope that one day your ideological blinders will drop and though the glare of truth will be bright at first that you'll allow yourself to be accustomed to the light...

Because the darkness which envelops you is thick... so thick...

You're someone who shows vestiges of brightness... look into your candidate Susan... look into the pattern that his relationships reveal... look into the financial crisis and see who it is that is truly responsible...

And come to the light Susan... you'll feel, and look, so much better.

At October 10, 2008 at 9:25 AM , Blogger SusanWM said...


I could ask the same question to you Rick. What do you know about the economy. Last I knew you work in the defense industry,not on Wall St.

Look at the economy Rick. The market is crashing. The CEO's whose companies they have run into the ground through their own greed get bailed out, and one, AIG promptly went to an exclusive resort to be pampered again to the tune of $450,000 big ones. So I guess you seem to think that is ok, at the same time as many Americans are losing their jobs and homes? All started by deregulation policies begun by your buddy McCain. You see when you have 9 homes, 13 cars etc. a few thousand dollars of loss doesn't hurt so bad.

I am not on any moral high horse. But you know Rick, I see you didn't answer my question, which was the main topic of my blog entry. What do you think Jesus would say about the lying? And I didn't limit it to McCain/Palin. It was a broad question of Elections and spiritual integrity.


At October 10, 2008 at 12:35 PM , Blogger Rick said...


I haven't worked in the defense industry in some time... I work in the aerospace industry...

This has nothing to do with your or my Wall Street credentials... this has everything to do with being informed, understanding facts, and thinking through an issue rather than deciding that because Obama said it, it must be true.

There are a number of places you can go to become better informed on who's at fault in this crisis.

You can go here, here, or especially this link and begin your journey towards understanding.

Or you can continue to skim the surface, take what progressives in this country continue to feed you, and walk away like a Stepford wife regurgitating the party line.

Your call.

You're bright enough to accept the truth.

Prove it.

At October 10, 2008 at 1:17 PM , Blogger SusanWM said...


you accuse me of not being informed because I read more progressive stuff, and yet the only material you read or listen to is conservative and only affirms what you already believe.

So, you know what? You can broaden your horizens as well and read a more broad base of material from other sources, instead of believing what the Republican party tells you is true.

You can also look at the signs. The economy is in a wreck. Jobs have been lost by the thousands, People are losing their homes, their retirement accounts are dwindling, all under the Bush Administration. Look at the signs, ask yourself if it is working for you or anyone else, and then whether we need 4 more years. The country is apparently saying no.

And by the way, you continue to not answer my question regarding how Jesus feels about the slanderous and personal attacks that are happening.

What do you think, Rick? Or are you going to continue to avoid the question?

At October 10, 2008 at 1:28 PM , Blogger Rick said...

I have been exposed to liberalism, in depth and up to my eye-balls, since 1988 when I first began to become interested in politics...

I was especially exposed to liberalism in the Episcopal Church. I am, without humility, a bonafide expert in progressive thought.

Did you go to the links provided Susan? Did you take the 20 minutes or so you'd need to become better informed? Or does your progressive ADD prevent you from spending that much time on a subject?

And please... what in hell do you think Jesus would think about lying? Obviously, you care very little about the truth so why trumpet it? It's a vain, as in you're so vain, attempt to play holier than thou Susan... so typically liberal...

Jesus will deal with liars Susan... I suggest he'll also deal with those who pass lies on as truth...

At October 10, 2008 at 8:42 PM , Blogger Kathy H said...

Thanks for another great post, Susan. I agree: Christians, whether they be Democrats or Republicans, should try their best to be respectful to their opponents and not lie about facts. Civil behavior is critical to keeping voters focused on the issues, and not on fear-mongering and hateful speech.

Unfortunately, the McCain-Palin camp is trying to have it both ways. They refer to Obama as "that one" and continue to lie about the Bridge to Nowhere, but every once in awhile lately McCain has tried to quell the crowds at his rallies by speaking respectfully of Obama. I applaud the latter, and hope that he and his running mate will continue on that high road. If not, this contest will continue to disintegrate. (You can read more about this at Yahoo! News: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081011/ap_on_el_pr/mccain_angry_crowds)

Rick, I'd also challenge you to be more respectful of others. Would you speak like this to Susan in person? I hope not. And if not, then you shouldn't do it on the internet, either.

I checked out your links to Brutally Honest blog, and wasn't impressed. I'd prefer links like this:
FactCheck.org re: Ayers:

At October 10, 2008 at 11:15 PM , Blogger SusanWM said...

hmmm, now Palin has been found by a bipartisan committee to have abused her power in Troopergate. Bummer. Let's see how the spin dr's will spin this one, let me count the ways:
liberal bashers
mainstream media
all political smearing
etc. etc. etc.


At October 11, 2008 at 7:35 AM , Blogger Rick said...

Susan, once again, you're to be commended for how articulately you read from the Obama script. You truly are an outstanding Stepford wife.

There are, of course, more facts that aren't being reported about the Palin abuse of power investigation. It'd behoove the non-Koolaid drinkers to partake of information not found in the Obama talking points memo.


What specifically is the lie being told about the bridge to nowhere? Palin was supportive early and then changed her mind. Doing that which Obama has done countless times in the last 90 days and is seen to be virtuous for it.

And speaking of Obama... both he and Biden were steadfastly for the bridge to nowhere... did you know that? Or does that matter? Of course it won't matter to the koolaid drinkers... is that a tell-tale stain on your lips too Kathy?

And listen carefully... I do nothing here in writing that I don't do in person... and neither am I any different than Susan is toward many a person...

So if you're going to wag that fat finger of blame, look around... and look in the mirror...

In fact, I recall that being a teaching of he who was Messiah long before Obama showed up and began wearing His crown.

At October 11, 2008 at 4:28 PM , Blogger Kathy H said...

Here's another article about how McCain flip-flops back and forth between inciting people and trying to calm them down:

Rick -
You'd say someone sounds stupid to their face? You'd call someone a Stepford wife to their face? You'd refer to a person's support of a candidate as butt-smooching to their face? I don't do that behind someone's back, let alone to their face. I don't consider that respectful, and I prefer not to associate personally with people who do. I'll hand it to you that at least you're consistent in your views. I just don't think that's how Jesus would relate to people. I think that your mean-spirited language actually bolsters Susan's arguments.

At October 12, 2008 at 8:56 AM , Blogger kilt1iron said...

Kathy, Susan, Rick ---

I believe reading in depth, fact-checked sources. This latest attempt to smear Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska, as abusing her power, has real facts. They are summarized for all to read, from a 263-page document I read, in .pdf form. That volume of paper is the OPINION of one man. And, he CONTRADICTS himself in his conclusions.

Susan, Kathy --- please enjoy your freedom to vote for Barack Obama. I will do my best to elect John McCain. If the voters elect someone because he makes them 'feel good' about themselves, then I have to think about taking care of my own. I will not make myself available to your reach, that be your collective hand into my personal space, to take from me my private property. I will make it my cause to help mine learn about the Underground Economy. Cash transactions away from your beloved IRS. I'll reap the benefits of my own labor. I will trade my talents others desire for something they can offer me. Barter system works in a small community. I will thrive. The big cities will decline, and all the money they think that is theirs, spent freely on those who didn't earn it, will lead to more decline.

Enjoy yourselves. See you in 4 years.

At October 12, 2008 at 9:14 AM , Blogger SusanWM said...

So Peter,

I look forward to seeing you in 4 years, when the economy is better, when the middle class is finally protected, when the war is under better control and maybe we are out of Iraq. My support of McCain has very little to do with making me "Feel good about myself." It has everything to do with taking our country in a much better direction.


At October 12, 2008 at 2:36 PM , Blogger Rick said...


Susan... you picked up the wrong script... we're sure you meant "my support of Obama" and not "my support of McCain"...

But hey, when you haven't an original thought, I can understand the mistake.

At October 12, 2008 at 2:56 PM , Blogger SusanWM said...

oops, of course I meant Obama. My bad.

Rick, you are just so pleasant, and wonderful to have on my blog. If you actually had a reasonable argument, you wouldn't need to be so insulting. Will I have to block you from the blog too? How many of your discussion places have you been blocked from now?

Just ask yourself Rick. . . is the country in a better place after the last 8 years of Republican leadership? How about the economy, healthcare, housing, international relations. etc. etc. etc. If you answer yes to any of those you have your head in the sand even more than I thought you did.

At October 12, 2008 at 3:30 PM , Blogger Rick said...

Truth is insulting isn't it Susan?

And you can't handle the truth.

At October 12, 2008 at 5:18 PM , Blogger SusanWM said...

You are really funny, Rick. I am done discussion anything with you. Because you frankly cannot handle anyone who might disagree with you.

At October 12, 2008 at 5:47 PM , Blogger Rick said...

That would be "discussing"... not "discussion" Susan...

And methinks you're projecting here gal...


Do you know what projecting is?

This might help... check out definition 8b.


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