Monday, October 13, 2008

Southern California Fires

This morning we woke up to the news of the fire in Southern California yet again. With the entrance of the Santa Ana winds, usually comes fire as well. It always creates such a sense of fear and anxiety that this time it might be our home. We went through the fear of possibly losing our home a few years back when the fires hit the San Bernardino Mountains where we have a mountain home. It wasn't just the possible loss of the cabin, it was all the meaning of that place that my brother built; where he lived, and died, that makes all of those emotions come to the surface. The fear, the hope, all intermingled, and brought into a prayer for all concerned.

If we were to lose our home now, it wouldn't be the structure itself, it is the furniture inside that was made by my grandfather, the cabinets made by grandpa and great uncle, the furniture made by my brother. It would be easy to grab the documents, and the pictures; and of course to have my family with me, as well as my pets.

It is in times like this that we need to search our hearts, and to truly look at our whole values. Hopefully, if we are so blessed to still have our homes, we will extend our hand of support and assistance to those who weren't so blessed. And if we were to lose our homes, I would hope that we would put our hope and trust in the One who Created us, and in the knowledge that it isn't in that which rusts or corrupts where we hold our security.

But, my prayers are with those who are in shelters tonight; some of whom have lost their homes and belongings. My prayers are with the firefighters who are so amazing in how many homes they are able to save, in horrific conditions. My prayer is for their safety as they put their lives on the line.

My prayer is for those who are sick enough to see the Santa Ana Winds as an opportunity to start fires that take peoples' homes or cause bodily harm to others. Two lives have already been lost, as a direct result of these fires. May they stop, get help, or be caught so they can get help.

My prayer is for the homeless man living in a wood and metal shack along the freeway who was overcome by smoke and flames, and lost his life, that he will be remembered. As well as the man driving the tow truck, who died today. May they both be remembered and their families comforted.


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