Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Spirituality of Voting

Today, was a day of great importance, and we don't even have the answer yet. But this morning I woke up at about 4:59am with a sense of great anticipation. I got up and sat quietly thinking about this day, which I am anticipating will be a historical day. Within me, there was more than a sense of urgency, of getting my votes in and being a responsible citizen, but that it was truly a process of searching my heart for what I believe, what are the most important values within me, and then speaking about it through how I vote. It goes beyond a political belief, but a deeply spiritual one, of how I am to respond to the needs of the day. How do I feel God leading within me? And I acknowledge that those who voted differently than I did, very likely went through the same process I did, and believe for themselves to be a spiritual process.

And I am grateful that we live in a country that, inspite of the political differences and the intensity of the debates, we can still go into the polling booth, cast our vote, and have a transition of power without a coup, or violence. We do live in a wonderful country.

My prayer is for the candidate I chose to win, but more than that, I hope that whoever wins, there will be a coming together, and working towards a healthier country, because we find ways to move in positive directions for the common good.


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