Wednesday, November 5, 2008

We Have An Answer

Last night, when it was announced that Obama had won the presidency, it was an amazing moment. And while I know there is great sadness and disappointment on the part of many, there is a whole country and world who are thrilled with the outcome. I am one of them! A friend of mine and I went to Pasadena Hilton to celebrate. As I arrived at the hotel, I saw two little black girls around 7 or 8 years old jumping up and down, hugging each other, and in absolute glee. As I entered the ballroom, there was music and celebration and smiles, but the importance of that celebration was that it was on the faces of about every possible race of our country; on the faces of young and old, men and women, gay and straight. That to me is the power of this election. There were expressions of joy and hope on the faces of young people who had been too bored or at least not excited enough to leave their couches, who were 100% engaged. There were young and old African Americans who had tears in their eyes, of hope, and of joy at the end of a very long and painful struggle.

Listening to Donna Brazile, on ABC this morning, stated the historical importance of this moment is talking about the steps of the US Capital building that was built by slaves, will be the very steps where Obama will take his oath of office. The slaves never would have had in their imaginations that one day there would be a black man as a president.

But, with all of the excitement here in the US, along with around the world, there is also the reality that we have only just begun on the hard work of bringing our country back to a healthier place. It will be no easy task, and so my prayers are with President elect Barack Obama, Joe Biden and whoever will now become the cabinet members and the presidential staff members, for strength and vision, for hope and the ability to discern the true needs and the best solutions for our collective future.

God Bless the USA.

My name is Mama for Obama and I approve this message.


At November 5, 2008 at 4:20 PM , Blogger Kathy H said...

It was indeed a happy night. Now to get some work done!!

At November 5, 2008 at 9:56 PM , Blogger Joanne PW said...

Wow! What a celebration. I have never seen anything like it in my 51 years! I am thrilled that Obama is our President Elect! I am proud to say I'm an American again after being ashamed these past 8 years. May God bless Barack Obama and his beautiful family!
Joanne PW

At November 5, 2008 at 10:08 PM , Blogger SusanWM said...

Kathy and Joanne,

yes, it was a happy night, a poignant night, a historical night, and now we have lots of work to do! I too feel a lot more hopeful than I have for the last 8 years.But it is going to be a lot of hard work to get us out of the hole we are in. Prayer is necessary!



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