From the Inside Out
Today the message in church was how we operate in life as those who respond from the outside in? Or the Inside out? In other words, are we those who base our emotional being, our values, our psychological health, etc. on how things happen in the world around us, or do we base how we respond by our heart, our spirit, our sense of who we are because of God within?
If we are those who operate from the outside in, we will be tossed to and fro from whatever circumstances that happen in life, and we all know that life has it's good times and it's painful times. If we are guided by the outside circumstances, our emotions will be all over the place Our sense of who we are, our happiness will never be the same from one moment to the next. Worst of all, and outside in person becomes a victim to the circumstances of life.
But on the contrary, if we are those who operate from the inside out, we have an opportunity to go within and examine our hearts and our souls based on whatever circumstances may be happening in our life at the moment, and we can seek wisdom from within, listen to our hearts, seek God for wisdom, seek that place of secure hope that exists no matter what may befall us. It is from that place that creativity arises. It is from that place that new direction can occur even out of a tragedy, as we discover new things about ourselves; new strengths, or dreams that can be fulfilled based on the open door of a change in our lives. It is often in the difficult challenges of life that gifts can arise because we discover new things about ourselves that we never would have learned had it not been for the pain. It also empowers us to realize that no matter what happens to us, we are going to be ok, we will survive, and might even be more than conquerors.
One of the other points that was brought out today as that when we go inward, we are in touch with the dreams and visions of our lives, that many on the outside may be naysayers about. But if we move from the inside out, we are motivated by those dreams and visions that are given to us, no matter how others may try to discourage us. If we are guided by those dreams and visions we will move out and accomplish the unimaginable.
In my best moments, I am an inside out person. I have had too many difficult experiences where I needed to go within, and when I found that there was a strength there that carried me through. I have had too many experiences of God's presence and peace, even in the midst of deep pain, such as a death in the family, or a job loss, etc. Some of the circumstances were ones that did rock me to my core, but it was at my core that I found more than survival; I found a strength beyond my own, a new creative approach, and new understandings of myself; who I am, what is important, and who I am becoming, to know that going inside is far greater than going outside. I do not begin to claim that I am constantly an inside out person. It is not an easy thing to do, but on my best days. . . and I believe the best days are getting more frequent.
That was a good sermon. I like how you summarized it. I know someone who leads a very dramatic life. Your writeup makes me wonder whether the reason her life is so dramatic, so tossed to and fro, is that she lets the outer world define her. Hmmmm...
Probably. Someone who is tossed to and fro is someone who reacts instead of responds. It most often is because they react to the circumstances, instead of responding from the values and beliefs within. I think so many don't realize that they have a choice. But it is a discipline that is having to be developed over time.
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