She is 65, a mother of 4, and a wife of a man who has abused her most of their married life. She is dying of cancer, but in some ways she died years ago, as her soul was abused by one who said he loved her. Her family were all in the living room. Olivia sat on her bed, leaning against the wall, and her story unfolded. She looked me in the eye and said "Please pray for me that God will just take me. I want to die." She was speaking of her no longer wanting to struggle with the cancer that consumed her body, but also the pain of her home. She needed a place of peace. A place to find comfort, in a physical sense, but also in a spiritual sense. Ironically, her husband's erratic and abusive behavior had no hold on her anymore. She had already let go of any desire for life in this world.
We helped her get to a facility, where she could be peaceful, get rest, and be safe. She was there for a few days before her husband went to bring her back home, and he transferred her to another hospice, so we were unable to monitor her safety. I am assuming she is gone now. In some ways I hope she is. To have the ultimate peace, and end to her suffering. But I never got to say goodbye. Only in my heart. Be at peace, Olivia.