I have learned over the last few days just how addicted to the computer I really am! Our modem died, and after a couple of days with tech support appointments, we bought another modem and spent awhile longer with tech support, to get it set up. Ahhhhhhhh. I am connected again.
But today, besides the tech support, was one of those days where everything I had to do, didn't happen easily, and some didn't happen at all. I arrived at the post office exactly 1 minute after it closed, and needed to mail some pics of vacation to my inlaws, and a friend. I went to get some new clothes at this new, supposedly hot store, and couldn't find one thing that fit right. (Unfortunately, it isn't that new hot store's fault!).
I also learned that there is yet another fire in California, and it is near Yosemite, my favorite sacred spot in the world. I looked it up on the map and the fire is pretty far from the park itself, but with the dry brush here, it has potential. Please stop.
But with all the frustrations of the day, they weren't bad in the grand scheme of things. I received a phone call from a friend from High School. I officiated her wedding in 2005; a second marriage for both. Her husband passed away from Cancer two days ago. Somehow, all the frustrating picky stuff of the day doesn't even compare.